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We are an intergalactic species that hail from the planets in the Andromeda Galaxy. Originally from the planet UNO we started exploring other surfaces to learn more about the universe and ourselves. It was during these travels that we had come across alternate sources of energy that aid us in our travel through vast expanses of space as well as in our search for the truth.

Our first contact with Earth  was made during one of these travels, we however had been cautious as to not alert the inhabitants of the planet to our presence. While remaining invisible in Earth's orbit we had decided to study the behaviours, laws and patterns of Earth.


In our studies we had observed that the species that call themselves 'humans' had nominated themselves to be the spokescreatures of their planet. These creatures often spoke for all those that they controlled. This control had been gained by changing  their environment in order to feed their hunger for food and a string of numbers that played a huge role in determining their identity in society. We watched as those hostile primates released toxic waste into their surroundings, corrupting themselves, their air, their land as well as their water.


Having half the intelligence of our alien embryo they too studied science, however their discoveries only remained on the surface level since their pursuit for the truth was overshadowed by their belief in something they had called as 'religion'. In fact this thing that they had called 'religion' played a big role when it had come to categorising and differentiating amongst themselves. This religion which varied from human to human was not present in their genetic information, yet this and other imaginary factors such as caste and class was used by them to separate themselves from others. However, they also used some factors that manifested visually in their appearance such as gender and the colour of their skin to differentiate among themselves.  Unfortunately this method of categorising was often foolishly used by them to determine intelligence, strength and power. This ignorant species repeatedly  failed to understand that the colour of one's skin and intelligence had no correlation.


Soon after careful studies, we had determined that these human creatures met all the requirements for harvest - simple minded and slow, harmful to their environment and a thriving and an easily controllable population.



35, Planet UNO, Andromeda


© An Alien enterprise by Sucharita Premchandar.

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